2024 SnowWolf UltraPusherTE™ & UltraPusherTE/XT™ UPTEXT-132
CONTAINMENT. SIMPLICITY. RELIABILITY.If you’re sick of high costs of ownership and just need a reliable, heavy-duty pusher that gets the job done, the UltraPusherTE™ is for you. From maximum containment to close scraping to overall efficiency, this pusher has everything you need.
Features may include: Roll More Snow
- Tight moldboard curvature keeps snow rolling the way you need it to.
Patented Cushioned Strutless Sideplates
- Protect the plow and the operator from damaging side impacts, and without struts, there's no snow buildup either.
Active Sideplates
- Vertical floating sideplates allow the plow cutting edge to scrape clean all the way to curb and redues the wear on the AR400 sideplate edges